General Rules-
1. Players must be added to clan rosters within 2 hours of match start.
2. Players roster names must match name on Xlink chat AND Socom 2 lobby.
3. Roster size may be no larger than 10 active players and 2 subs.
4. Creating fake accounts for fake wins is strictly prohibited.
5. Impersonating any staff member is strictly prohibited.
6. All Admin decisions are final.
7. Singles ladder is defined as 1 player vs 1 players, Doubles ladder is defined as 2 players vs. 2 players, and Clans ladder is defined as anywhere between 4-8 players vs. 4-8 players (both team must have matching number of players).
8. The use of outside communications cannot theoretically be monitored thus this is allowed. We do offer a discord server to use at your convince. Please also see In Game Rules #16.
9. If anything should arise from this match as a gray area of the rules or a rule not posted but morally is wrong please notify the admin. Most of the matches shall be replayed in their entirety.
10. Crown holders must compete in atleast 1 match biweekly or their crown will be forfeited to the highest ranked team on the ladder closest to 0 (ZERO).
11. Disbanding a clan to recreate it is prohibited. Clan names that are disbanded cannot be used for a 30 day period and the clan leader cannot create another clan for 30 days. Creating a seperate clan with the same players in an effort is scrub stats is also prohibited.
1. Matches should be scheduled no later than 2 weeks out.
2. Cancellations for accepted matches must occur 24 hours before the start of the match, or it will be considered a no show loss.
3. By default all weapons are allowed unless agreed upon by both teams in the match notes.
4. Maps are randomly generated unless agreed upon by teams in the match notes.
5. Patch / No patch must also be specified in the match notes.
In Game Rules-
1. All players should be ready within 15 minutes from
start time, If 15 minutes comes and goes and both teams aren't ready please
contact a ref for further assistance. After 45 minutes of waiting the team not
ready will be issued a loss by the assigned ref.
2. Rounds should be set at 11 with match time at 6 minutes, unless noted in match notes.
3. Before starting the match it is the responsibility of the opposite team to check the players names in correlation to the teams roster.
4. Players not on the roster are ineligible and cannot join the match.
5. If both teams green up and an ineligible players is playing at that point the rule in NULL and cannot be reported.
6. If the start time has passed and the opposite team has an ineligible player on the team that refuses to leave that clan will forfeit the match. If both teams have ineligible players they will both forfeit the match.
7. In the event of a mass boot if 2 players from each side are booted the game shall be remade with the current map played on the most recent round count. Any less players booted the game shall continue.
8. Teams are allowed to use subs only in the lobby. Mid game swaps are not allowed.
9. Streaming the match is recommended just in case of any non normal occurrences like guns not being able to fire occur. If this is the case the match should be paused and an admin should be notified so they can recommend the next steps.
10. Glitching in any form is prohibited.
11. Spectators are prohibited unless they are a staff member.
12. If the clan doesn't show after 15 minutes from match start it will be considered a loss.
13. Friendly fire is required unless specified in the match notes.
14. Force starting a game when the other team isn't hasn't fully assembled isn't allowed.
15. Teams are given 5 minutes in between maps to green up.
16. The use of outside communication is allowed however callouts made after death are strictly prohibited. If 3 or more are made in a map it will result in a loss. It is our recommendation you make the other team stream the match with a discord overlay in OBS. If this isn't an option a ref can be assigned to monitor voice chat chatter in the SOCOM Online discord server. We will ONLY use a ref if both teams are in the server.
17. Higher ranked team (closest to ZERO) will chose sides on map 1, lower ranked team will choose sides on map 2. In the event of a tie breaker round the team with the most rounds won will pick sides. If both teams have same amount of rounds won, the team ranked closest to 0 (ZERO) choses side. In the event that both teams are unranked, lower team ID will choose.
Post Game Rules-
1. Teams are given 1 hour to report a loss before a ticket can be filed.
2. Failure to report will result in a strike.
3. Tickets can take up to 48 hours for review.
How Rule Changes Are Processed
Please note the staff meets every 15th of the month to discuss site improvements and rule changes. Unless deemed emergency, recommended rule changes will not take place until the staff reviews it on the 15th.
7/22/17 Added outside communication rules to in game rules #16 due to the concern of the community.
8/14/17 Added clarity to who picks sides on what map.
8/19/17 Again changed rules on who picks sides on what map. Added rule about disbanding clans. Added section about general rule changes.